All in Wellness In Real Life

Free to Express My Version of Blackness at Refuge Outdoor Festival 2023

This year’s Refuge Outdoor Festival was incredible and I’m truly looking forward to next year’s gathering! It was the diversity medicine I needed and I met people I’ll definitely be spending time with between retreats.

I grew up in a Black family surrounded by mostly White people and Christian culture (I know, how did I end up like this?!). It made it harder to access some of the deepest parts of who I am and it’s a privilege to have so much more space to do so now.

Acupuncture: Ancient Chinese Medicine addressing today's woes

Seasonal allergies, and their often severe related symptoms, used to keep me disoriented, indoors or reaching for allergy pills.

There's a better way! Around the arrival of each season I head to my community acupuncture clinic. They know just what to do and better yet, it's affordable, peaceful and most importantly: effective!

4 Earth Friendly Products I Use On My Quest To Respect The Planet

Turns out Environmental Maturity can be quite luxurious...
I wanted to share four brands I'm really feeling that make things just a bit easier to do my part. A few of them have even caused improvements in my physical health.  It may seem like a drop in the bucket but drops add up and these efforts have shifted my overall values around sustainability (can't EVEN with fast fashion anymore) and ideas around gratitude. We need the Earth to live, how we treat it and engage with it can reveal so much.

Accepting The Body I Was Born Into

Mushrooms help expand the mind to offer us new possibilities for living and thinking. I chose a new thought pattern, and kept at it, even when doubts and old patterns worked to creep back in. Eventually, the new thought pattern replaced the old and I was living in a much kinder, exciting atmosphere. My body continues to morph and my love and appreciation sustains.

5 Healing Remedies of African Ancestry You Can Try Today

The knowledge of how to heal our own bodies will always live right within us all.

The self-healing path can provide an exciting way to connect with the body and unravel some of its mysteries. On this path, you might develop your power to tune out unsupportive or irrelevant voices in the mind so you can tune into what you truly need, at the moment, to grow.