All in Gratitude Raising

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Leo

Happy Full Moon in Leo! Happy Aquarius Season!

 I’ve been writing astral/moon insights for three beautiful years, almost to the day, and feel the Aquarian winds of transition and change blowing me toward new creative pursuits and curiosities to sink my teeth into.

I can't believe it’s been that long, I’m proud of myself dangit! It’s been a really lovely thing in my life on so many levels. 

Moon Reading: New Moon in Libra

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra! A swath of the world might be able to see a ring of fire in the sky today. This signals  a call for us humans, of the same material as the Sun, to look at our shadows. Often the sides of ourselves we fear the most end up being our biggest allies in our journey toward authenticity and meaningful relationships. In this moon moment, even micro changes can lead to major life transformations. Read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Virgo

Happy New Moon in Virgo!! Calling all spaceships back to Mother Earth! We’re coming out of a moon cycle that was full of introspection and growth potential along with the end of the latest Mercury Retrograde journey. We’re also moving into the changing of the seasons. Aka there are bags and bags of lessons and wisdom to be integrated! Before you start stressing about how to win some sort of spiritual growth race, take a deep breath and pause. You are enough, You are exactly where you need to be and you have everything you need to get what you want!  Read on for more full moon insight…

4 Earth Friendly Products I Use On My Quest To Respect The Planet

Turns out Environmental Maturity can be quite luxurious...
I wanted to share four brands I'm really feeling that make things just a bit easier to do my part. A few of them have even caused improvements in my physical health.  It may seem like a drop in the bucket but drops add up and these efforts have shifted my overall values around sustainability (can't EVEN with fast fashion anymore) and ideas around gratitude. We need the Earth to live, how we treat it and engage with it can reveal so much.

Moon Reading: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini! This intense, future flowing Air sign offers lessons around communication, expression and life's inherent dichotomy. And it’s all happening during Mercury Retrograde (gifting us challenges with communication and asking us to reflect) and during a Solar Eclipse (a potent time to create new inner change and transformation). The Twins are serving up a five alarm Duality Soup! Read on for more insight into this current time.

Accepting The Body I Was Born Into

Mushrooms help expand the mind to offer us new possibilities for living and thinking. I chose a new thought pattern, and kept at it, even when doubts and old patterns worked to creep back in. Eventually, the new thought pattern replaced the old and I was living in a much kinder, exciting atmosphere. My body continues to morph and my love and appreciation sustains.