Moon Reading: New Moon in Libra

Moon Reading: New Moon in Libra

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra! A swath of the world might be able to see a ring of fire in the sky today. This signals  a call for us humans, of the same material as the Sun, to look at our shadows. Often the sides of ourselves we fear the most end up being our biggest allies in our journey toward authenticity and meaningful relationships. In this moon moment, even micro changes can lead to major life transformations. Read on for more moon insights…

Relationship Advice from Air Sign Libra on This Solar Eclipse New Moon:

-“People Pleasing” does not build a peaceful foundation. People Pleasing is often rooted in a deep fear that we’re not enough and owe a person or community more than we are already giving just by showing up. It also signals an insecurity around our network, that someone could leave the moment we suspend our giving, good will and great attitude. It’s a great way to end up in a string of One Way Relationships. If you’re lucky, you might even end up with a savior/martyr complex (“I'm the only one/thing with the power to help here so I guess I HAVE to do it”)! In the long run, take it from this recovering People Pleaser, you WILL end up burned out & resentful of the very people you were trying to convince of your worth and purposefulness. What relationships are nourishing you back? Focus on those only.

-Learn to receive! Receiving never has to mean “obligation” or “weakness” if you don’t want it to. Allow your loved ones to experience the joy of giving to You, you know how great it can feel, let em have it. More importantly, let YOU have it. When a 2 Way Street relationship is presented and mutual nourishment is available, pay attention. For some, receiving feels like deep relief, for others it presents as a heavy burden, either way it’s important to do the work in finding out your current location on that particular spectrum. Your curiosity will lead to healing.

-Understand that Truth=Love. When you’re truthful with people it shows them you believe they are mature enough to handle uncomfortable or tough situations. It means you’re ready to be seen, come what may. Folks that can’t hang will hiss and scatter. Folks who desire true connection and seek to evolve will find their way to you. As an added bonus, when you’re truthful with people it infuses an example of vulnerability in your community, giving others a path to be more authentic, open and real. Truth reveals, it sheds light, it provides clarity where there was confusion. (Note: Whenever we mention Truth we must remind ourselves that “Speaking your mind” and “Speaking Truth” are two very diff things. Use your compassionate intuition to know the difference.)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL LIBRAS!! The “Golden Retriever” of the Zodiac is a beautiful teacher for the co-dependents, people pleasers, self effacing folks who are ready to feel the balance of mutually beneficial relating. Level up. 2 Way Street, nourishing relationships or bust!! The Truth will set you free:) xoxo Heather Ace

#libranewmoon #newmooninlibra #libraseason #solareclipse #thetruthshallsetyoufree #nourishingrelationships

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