Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aries

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aries

Happy Full Moon in Aries! It’s the glorious Harvest Moon, the last Supermoon until 2025 and we’re squarely in airy Libra Season. It's also the changing of the seasons in both hemispheres with Autumn emerging once again up North. All that to say: it’s time to recalibrate!! Read on for more moon insight….

Let Interdependence Balance All Scales and Heal All Relationships

The minute you point to something and say, “If it wasn’t for them/that, I’d be happy!,” you become captive. 

Putting our potential for happiness into someone else's hands leaves us feeling powerless, resentful and deflated. Giving away our power is one of the symptoms of overwhelm/apathy/fear around the responsibility we’re born with to remember and nourish our Own inner Wholeness and Light. 

 On the flip side, if you believe you have the power to turn someone’s Sacred Frown upside down and that’s not where their journey is taking them, you will also quickly find yourself feeling powerless, resentful and deflated. Attempting to assume someone else's power is also one of the symptoms of overwhelm/doubt/fear around the responsibility we’re born with to remember and nourish our Own inner Wholeness and Light. 

Trying to shift things outside your power seems noble on some levels but it’s actually a major energy pit, it does not nourish you back, ever, and it creates disruption and difficulty where your original  intention was to sow peace and calm.

Tips for coming back toward Interdependence (aka the Aries/Libra Dance)

  • Mature out of the myth of codependency: Take back your power and control by releasing anybody and anything from the responsibility of your happiness and wholeness. That is your job and that job can’t be reassigned. Giving away your power does not make the reality of having said power any easier.

  • Witness vs. Control your Relationships: Witnessing=Relationship Goals! It’s saying: I see you and I believe you have the power to be the driver of your own life. It’s empowering! And yes, it can be scary because it means you’ve accepted that that person/thing will never be under your control.  Witnessing looks like: listening vs. judging/suggesting, checking in with genuine and compassionate curiosity and not fear/worry/agenda, asking non-leading questions, self-education, especially when you get confused/upset,  Affirming people's choices, allowing space for shift, creating/respecting boundaries.

  • PATIENCE: In this Powerful Aries Full Moon moment it must be repeated, patience. The story is still storying ya’ll! Sit back, relax and enjoy the unfolding. Life itself is a miracle so infuse more hope, trust and surrender into your days and you’ll find this immense capacity we’re built with to pause and smell the roses, taste the cinnamon and discover the best in others. Comebacks, resurrections, full circles, makeover montages, redirects and plot twists happen on the second. There is no need to manufacture or twist life into something that you think will make you feel secure and stable. That type of peace is an inside job:)

Happy Birthday Libra’s!! This would be a great time to “Hug it out bitch” and have REAL talks with the people in your life worth fighting for AKA people who leave you feeling nourished and in your power way more often than not. Stay in your own lane, make those genuine check in’s to fam/friends and breath deep for patience, YOU GOT THIS xoxo Heather Ace

Photo Credit: photo of woman with full natural hair, swathed in pink tulle that is creating a jellyfish like shape, billowing over her like a halo or balloon, two glowing dots appear in this graceful, weightless cloud and a dawning blue sky arrives behind by @the _brigadoon _ dispatch

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